Post by JoePost by Shawn HirnShe Refuses to Release Her Tax Returns.
She Refuses to Release Her White House
The nation wonders, What is Hillary Hiding.....AAC
I am rooting for Obama, but this issue is insignificant. I can't imagine
what her tax returns (or Obama's) have to do with anyone making a
decision on which of them to vote for. As Hillary said in the previous
debate, if she wins the nomination, she will release her tax returns. I
have no problem with that.
She should release her tax return now so that people who vote in the
rest of the primaries can make an informed vote based on the
charachter of each candidate.. This is a serious issue as to the
honesty and trust of Hillary Clinton for whom many issues about her
and her husbands integrity have been raised in the past.
Makes no difference. I don't think she can win. I don't think she
can win without revotes in MI and FL and at the rate she's going,
there's no guarantee she'd get much out of MI. She would rout him in
Florida. I think that's what the Obama camp is most worried about.
THIS is how we have to win the Iraq War